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Profiteer van succesprincipes van 1.000’en succesvolle commercials

Praktische adviezen bij verbeterpunten

Binnen één dag rapport met concreet advies

Profiteer van succesprincipes van 1.000’en succesvolle commercials

Praktische adviezen bij verbeterpunten

Binnen één dag rapport met concreet advies

Advertisement AdVisor Expert Review

Verkade 30s


Best Practices

Brand Assets

Ad message & Structure

Best Practices 75/100

Your commercial has been analyzed against the 35 science-based best practices. These are the brain laws against which the video was manually tested.

Test re-test research shows that improving these issues over and over again ensures a higher neural (sales & branding) impact of your TVC.

Problems (1)

Avoid visual obstruction (4s)
Around 4 seconds, a forklift suddenly drives through the frame. This creates visual obstruction for the viewer.
The brain likes a clear focus. When something gets in the way of this focus, we generally react negatively to it. This can be cars, for example, driving through the frame, but also when a shot moves behind a building. This creates visual obstruction.
The shot with the forklift seems to evoke an image of a pleasantly busy workplace. However, since this creates visual obstruction (and thus causes the brain to drop out), and since this is in the first scene of the TVC, we recommend shortening this piece.

punten: -10

Warnings (2)

Dit is een lorem ipsum tekst

punten: -10

Wat goed, je hebt de focus uitgezet 😁. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam accumsan enim in nunc scelerisque ullamcorper.

Donec bibendum lectus fringilla nisi consequat, eget ornare est accumsan. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Ook dit is lorem

punten: -10

Donec est ex, aliquam et justo eu, blandit posuere elit. Morbi faucibus ac dolor id lacinia. Vivamus vel ante nec mi ultricies accumsan.

Aliquam mattis urna id lorem dapibus gravida. Nunc commodo malesuada ipsum et convallis. Integer lorem felis, rutrum lacinia nisi nec, egestas auctor nisi

Good or not applicable (0)

Start with Brand Name

The TVC begins with “welcome to Verkade. This is a clever way to immediately establish the Brand Link, which also feels natural.

As described below (brand assets), an early brand asset is essential


Problemen (geen)

Waarschuwingen (geen)

Goed of niet van toepassing (3)

Example report

In dit voorbeeldrapport zijn elementen weggelaten. Het rapport dient als voorbeeld, maar is dus als voorbeeld niet compleet ten opzichte van een volledig rapport.

Click here to contact us if you would like to analyze your TVC or storyboard

Brand Assets 100/100

✅ This part is 100% complete
All Brand Asset values were known in advance. In addition, AI predictive eye tracking was used to see if the Brand Assets would have been seen/heard.


  • 100%

  • 100%

  • 100%

  • 100%

  • 10%

  • 100%

  • 50%

  • 50%

  • 100%

  • 100%

  • 100%

  • 50%

  • 50%

  • 100%

  • 100%

  • 1

  • 5

  • 82

  • 39

  • 39

  • 100

The score of each brand asset is a calculation based on the moment in the TVC, the number of people who have seen it, and the Fame & Uniqueness. Since brand assets have a reinforcing effect, the scores are then summed up, up to a maximum of 100.

* When a brand is mentioned, according to Byron Sharp’s theory, it receives a score of 100% on both Fame and Uniqueness. This, of course, implies that the sound is heard.

Ad message & Structure 85/100

Your commercial has been analyzed on the 7 success principles around Ad message & Structure.

Problems (1)

Avoid negative emotion right after brand or product

points: -10

The advertisement shows multiple negative reactions after a product, in the form of an unenthusiastic face (0:10) and bad weather (0:17). This increases the likelihood that negative emotion will stick to the brand.

Warnings (1)

Houd boodschap simpel

punten: -5
De boodschap van de commercial rust op de nuchtere/weinig enthousiaste reacties van de medewerkers als reactie op de wervende voice-over teksten. Dit vraagt echter de nodige aandacht van de kijker om de clou te laten landen. Bij passieve verwerking is het denkbaar dat enkel de negatieve emotie blijft hangen.

Good or not applicable (5)

Examples report

In this example report, elements have been omitted. The report serves as an example, but is thus incomplete as an example compared to a full report

Click here to contact us if you would like to analyze your TVC or storyboard